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Should YOU Go Keto?

Keto could be a great tool for you!

Hey there—Robb Wolf here

and I just wanted to say...


...for taking the time to discover if keto is right for you!

You're one step closer to changing your health and your life.

If you don’t know already, keto is a low-carb, moderate-protein, and relatively high fat diet. This way of eating actually BURNS stored body fat (AKA those love handles) for fuel.

But I 
don’t think of keto as the typical ‘diet’ and neither should you...the stigma that follows that dreaded D word is constant hunger, lack of energy, a plate half full of bland foods, and maybe some chalk-y shakes...

Truth is, keto is extremely good at regulating appetite—which means that you won’t suffer those mid-day (or late night) hunger pangs.  

Keto is one of the MOST EFFECTIVE fat loss and health strategies available.

But the benefits don’t stop with fat-loss...

Decreases inflammation

Improves cognition

Boosts energy

Helps you sleep better

Simplifies your eating
Promotes anti-aging
Honestly, who doesn't want any and all of that??

3 Tips To Do Keto Right


Nail down and track your macros

Macros = macronutrients = fat, protein, carbs. Knowing your macros is essentially what makes you ‘keto.’ So it should be obvious that it’s the #1 thing you need to get started. The general keto macronutrient recommendations are:
     Fat: about 70% of your calories
     Protein: about 25% of your calories
     Carbs: 5% of your calories

But it’s not enough to just know your macros—you need to actively track them too. Most people who flub going keto do so because they’re guessing at what they’re eating.

Keep in mind that macros are unique to you, your body, and your current life situation. There are several online calculators that will take these things into account to help you dial in the appropriate macros for you. Just be sure to track what you’re eating daily!


Make sure you’re supplementing appropriately

Pretty much all of the negative symptoms that you can experience in the beginning of keto can be prevented by getting enough electrolytes. This is huge, people! Lightheadedness, trouble sleeping, muscle cramps, bowel issues, cravings...the list goes on. The current guidance on salt intake is WAY lower than it should be. Sodium is a vital micronutrient that has gotten a bad rap. In your keto lifestyle, I’d recommend aiming for these levels:
     - 5000-7000 mg/day sodium
     - 300-500 mg/day magnesium
     - 1000-3500 mg/day potassium

How? You can make homemade electrolyte brews, drink bouillon, or add salt to bone broth. Just be sure to always be sippin’.


Set up for success

Prepping your kitchen will remove some major roadblocks or hiccups down the line.

  1. Clean out the junk—did it come from a grain? Does it have ingredients you can’t pronounce? Is it sugary? Is it a bean or lentil? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions about any of the foods in your kitchen, it’s time to let them go. Box them up and take them to your local food bank.
  2. Stock your kitchen with good food—leafy greens, good fats, and quality protein are the base of your meals. You can get some for your freezer (broccoli, shrimp, chicken, brussel sprouts), some for your shelves (sunflower seeds, avocado oil, walnuts), and some for your fridge (arugula, salmon, eggs, hard cheeses). Supplement these ingredients with herbs and spices (some of the most micronutrient dense foods!) to add some flavor bombs.
  3. Invest in any supplies you might need—blood ketone monitor and strips, food scale, measuring cups, or anything else your kitchen might be lacking!

Bonus: Get your mind right!

Arguably the biggest key to success is having your head in the right place. Knowing why you’re doing it—whether it be weight loss or health reasons—can be the thing that keeps you strong when you smell freshly baked muffins, pine after that ice cold beer, or feel too tired to take 5 minutes to whip up some frozen broccoli and chicken!

Everything you need to know about keto. 

In one place. 

Only $49 (regularly 139.97)

Yes — Add To Cart
So....what now?? 

Based on what you told me about your current situation, it sounds like keto could be perfect for you whether you’re looking to lose excess fat or improve your health and energy levels.

Spending 20+ years helping people reach their healthiest self, I've noticed patterns that lead to success... 

When undergoing a diet and lifestyle change the #1 thing that keeps people on track to reach their goals is: 

A coach. 

Well we don't all have the time and money for that huh?

That's why I created Keto Masterclass.

I took everything I'd learned from coaching and put it in an all-in-one solution covering everything you need to succeed INCLUDING how to deal with potential challenges (even if you’re not aware of them yet).

How to quantify macros when nothing you eat has a label

An eating plan for when it’s 7pm and you’re hungry and tired and don’t have the energy to cook.

How to handle social pressure to eat crappy food (and what to do when the only things served are not on your approved list)

What to do if you hit the dreaded fat loss plateau—and how to avoid it in the first place

How to avoid the keto flu with the #1 most overlooked rule of keto.

Discover the interplay between cholesterol and the keto diet (and what to do if your doctor tells you to go on a low fat diet)

This course walks you through every step you need to take to set a great keto foundation so you can make it work long term…

Not only have I been helping others become their healthiest self, but I also struggled with my diet and just not feeling good for so many years.

As an ex-bio chem researcher, I was digging in and testing on myself.

And once I figured out how our modern world of hyper palatable, processed foods were derailing my own health I started helping others change their lives with lifestyle and nutrition (for OVER 20 years!).

Keto is incredibly effective when done right.

So I created the Keto Masterclass to help you do keto the right way to reach your goals.

(and trust me, a lot of the other advice you'll see out there will lead you down the wrong path—no results and it’s NOT pleasant.)

If you want the benefits of being in the fat adapted state of ketosis this is the perfect solution to dial in your keto lifestyle.

Don't Take My Word For It....

Get Started Now

Only $49 (regularly 139.97)

Yes — Add To Cart

Keto Masterclass is a self-paced course comprised of 13 modules and an easy-to-follow workbook to guide you every step of the way.

INCLUDING daily worksheets to help track progress—food, sleep, stress, exercise—for the first 45-days of your new keto journey (helpful no matter if you’ve been keto for a while or are brand new!)  

Video instruction for each module

PDF downloads (topic deep dives, checklists, and visual guides)

Workbook exercises and tracking sheets

PLUS hot topic downloads:

Your Blood Work and You (an exclusive interview)
Sleep hygiene checklist
Keto and Traumatic Brain Injury
Cholesterol and Keto: What you need to know
Troubleshooting the dreaded plateau
Meal creation templates
45-day exercise program

Keto is life changing for a LOT of people and can be for you too...

Keto Masterclass can help you do keto RIGHT.

Click below to get lifetime access to Keto Masterclass for 
only $49 (regularly 139.97
What are you waiting for?
Get your lifetime access to Keto Masterclass now! Click above ☝︎

Disclaimer: The information or the products listed on this website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease or ailment. The information on this site is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Always consult your doctor or healthcare practitioner before doing anything to do with your health.
